Friday, July 17, 2009

The Hikers and the Full moon

There once was a pair of hikers, an ilokano and caucasian man. As they carried their heavy loads through the mountain trails, they realized they were getting lost. It was also getting dark. Since it would be too dangerous to hike in the dark, the pair decided to camp out for the night. At least the full moon was out, keeping the forest bright through the darkness.

After they laid out their campsite, the pair began to relax. Luckily, the ilokano man brought a few can foods of sardines in his sack. Even though he was very hungry, he laid it in front of them, but did not open them. It was his custom to wait for his companion to take the food first. Although they were of different cultures and languages, the caucasian man thought to start a conversation.

"Ahhhhh. Look at the moon!" he said.

The ilokano man looked at the caucasian man with a perplexed face. How strange, he thought, he's not going to open his first.

So, the ilokano man opened his sardines can, and ate his fill.

1 comment:

  1. This ones funny! Its incomplete though. When the Caucasion man says "Look at the moon" the Filipino man thinking that the Caucasion man said " Ilukat mon" meaning "open it" in Ilokano went ahead and opened the canned food. Then when the Caucasion man saw the Filipino man opening the canned food he said again "See the moon". The Filipino man, without even looking up at the night sky, began eating the food thinking that the Caucasion man said "sida mon" meaning "to go ahead and eat it". HAHAHA
